This blog will follow the progress of design students at Farnham University of Creative Arts, as they create original artworks inspired by Jane Austen's House Museum, Chawton.

The exhibition, "Under the Influence", will be held at the museum 12th June - 10th September 2010.

Monday, 21 December 2009

First Visit to Jane Austen's House Museum

The aim of the project is to use the house and garden as a creative space and respond artisticly to a sense of place. Using the museum collection and taking inspiration from Jane Austen's life and novels, students will explore these aspects and develop contemporary artworks as a dialouge with the museum. We want to support up and coming local designers to produce artworks to sell and exhibit in summer 2010 at Jane Austen's House Museum.

The students visited Jane Austen's House Museum in early December, bustling with ideas and eager to start on the project. They roamed around the grounds exploring different areas of the museum. Investigating the objects displayed in the house whilst also thinking of the architecture and analysing the various spaces within the site.

They'll be back in January for some further visits to make sketches and take more photos. So we'll have to wait and see what inital ideas emerge!

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